Inthe thirdweekofJunein to the public beach ofCerviais no"Waiting fortheWorld" They will returnittoCerviasomeartiststhat havecharacterizedpast editionsof theWorld.Thesculptors,in thethree daysJune 17 to 19,will re-worksthat havewoninthe pastinanewrevised version.Theworksremainon displayandthenopen to the public every daysandwill addto thesculpturesof theWorld Championship. Sotouristsin June andJulywill be abletoadmire theworksinthe sand,whilethefrequent visitorsof thesand sculpturesat the World ChampionshipinAugustwill be able toadmire theworksof the championshipin 2011andrelive the excitementof the issuespassed.